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Implanon Birth Control Implant

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Implanon Birth Control Implant

Usage : Birth Control, Contraceptive
Active Ingredient : 68mg
Supplied Form : Tablet
Packaging : 1 Implant
Not In Stock
Quantity Price Price pr
64mcg x 1 pcs $233.20 $233.20 -

What Is Implanon Birth Control Implant?

The third generation synthetic progestin 'Etonogestrel' is lodged within a unique matrix that is shaped into a small rod. This novel contraceptive called 'Implanon', provides long term effective protection when fixed under the skin.
Implanon Birth Control Implant is an innovative delivery system ensuring threshold levels of progestin that counter pregnancy with minimal side effects to the user. We also have in stock Depo Provera Shot which provides contraception for a long term of 12 weeks with just one injection.

Implanon Birth Control Implant – Availability And Presentation

Implanon is marketed by Merck Pharmaceuticals. Implanon Birth Control Implant is a soft cylindrical rod measuring 4cm in length and is 2mm thick in diameter. It comes preloaded into a needle, which forms part of a disposable injection delivery system or applicator, for depositing Implanon into the subcutaneous or sub dermal (beneath the skin) space.
The contents of the blister pack are pre sterilized and must be opened only by trained caregivers in a sterile environment prior to insertion.

Manufacturer of Implanon Contraceptive Implant

Marketed by Merck Pharmaceuticals

Implanon Birth Control Implant – Active Ingredient, Pharmaceutical Contents And Dose Delivery

The active ingredient of Implanon birth control implant is 3-Keto-desogestrel. It is also referred to as 'Etonogestrel' and is the active metabolite of the third generation progestin Desogestrel, which is found in some combined oral contraceptive formulations.
68 mg of Etonogestrel is ingrained into an EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) polymer matrix sheathed by a fine EVA membrane just 0.006mm thin.
Once implanted, Etonogestrel is progressively absorbed into the blood stream and drug levels which are initially high, gradually settle down over a year, from 800 to about 200 picograms/ml. The critical drug levels of 30 micrograms per day are always ensured and the life span of Implanon is accordingly spanned at three years.

Timing Of Implanon Insertion

For new users who are not on any other contraceptive methods, Implanon is ideally inserted during the first 5 days of menses.
It is to be inserted on the next day after the last active pill is completed for oral contraceptive pill users or within 24 hours after stopping the progesterone only mini-pill. Implanon Birth Control Implant must be inserted on the day of removal of progestin IUCD (Mirena) or vaginal contraceptive ring or contraceptive transdermal patch.
It can be used after abortions or miscarriages as well. After first trimester miscarriage it is to be inserted within five days. Following a second trimester pregnancy losses it is usually inserted anywhere between 21 to 28 days after the episode.
Postpartum or after delivery, Implanon can be inserted after four weeks or 28 days. Insertions in nursing mothers can be delayed for up to the sixth week from delivery. Implanon Insertions later than six weeks mandate testing for pregnancy prior to insertion.

Clinical Mechanism – How does Implanon work?

Etonogestrel prevents ovulation by inhibiting brain derived hormones like FSH and LH that act on the ovary. Constant exposure to progestin produces changes in the womb lining, resisting deposition of an early embryo, if any.
The mouth of the womb also called as Cervix, is naturally loaded with a mucoid secretion that gets congealed into a thick barrier to sperm penetration, in the presence of unabated progestin exposure.

Advantages Of Implanon Birth Control Implant

Implanon implant provides class topping contraceptive efficacy almost as high as progestin releasing IUD's. It is estimated that out of a thousand women using Implanon for one year, only one may conceive. In other words it is more than 99.9% effective.
Its effects lasts for three years and by that time a change is due. A new Implanon implant can be inserted in the same sitting while removing the old device obviating the need for an extra procedure and anesthesia. It can be removed at any time before three years if the user so desires.

Implanon Contraceptive – Insertion Recommendations

The insertion of Implanon contraceptive is to be performed by trained caregivers who have received specific instruction in implanting the same. Prior to insertion, the client must be made aware of the indications, benefits, effectiveness, side effects and complications with use of Implanon. A through history, physical and gynecological examination is mandatory prior to insertion.
Every effort must be made to identify any contraindications (see below) to Implanon and it should not be inserted in such cases. Consent must be taken and any allergic history is to be ascertained specifically pertaining to antiseptics or anesthetics to be used in the procedure. The process involves cleansing the site with antiseptics and the administration of a local anesthetic.
Implanon is inserted beneath the skin by a simple yet surgical procedure on the inside of the arm about 3 to 4 inches above the elbow joint. A pressure dressing is needed for a few days after the procedure; Implanon contraceptive implant starts to work immediately upon insertion. It is easily palpable or felt beneath the skin.

Implanon Contraceptive – Contraindications

Implanon Contraceptive should not be used in women with the following conditions:

  • Undiagnosed or suspected pregnancy
  • Undiagnosed vaginal or genital bleeding.
  • High risk for or suspected breast cancer or uninvestigated breast lumps.
  • Liver tumors, Liver cancer, altered liver function tests, chronic liver disease.
  • Thrombosis, Thromboembolism or disorders of blood clotting or episodes or history of blood clots.


Implanon Complications And Side Effects

The possible complications and side effects of Implanon contraceptive are given below:

  • Insertion Related Issues:
    Problems from the insertion procedure itself arise out of injury to surrounding tissues with wrongly placed or deep insertions. Insertions are ideally made in the groove between biceps and triceps muscles, just beneath the skin, on the inner side of the arm. Inadvertent injury to surrounding nerves can give rise to altered sensations or paraesthesias at the site. If blood vessels are injured a blood clot or hematoma may form. Deeper insertions into any neighboring muscle body can result in the Implanon migrating or moving away from the site it was originally inserted at. Infection and pus formation can occur where in the Implanon can pop out gradually from the site and expel itself. Finally scarring at the site of insertion is known in some women. Contraceptive efficacy cannot be guaranteed with any of the above.
  • Altered Menstrual Bleeding:
    Altered menstrual bleeding patterns are common with Implanon. Usually these are mild, self-corrective and more in the first three months of use. Some literature points to the bleeding pattern occurring in the first 90 days as a predictor for the type of bleeding the user may experience later on. Commonly seen patterns include: 3 days of spotting, amenorrhoea (complete absence of menses), episodes of prolonged bleeding or spotting for around two weeks at a time and frequent spotting episodes of 3 to 5 days.
  • Thrombosis:
    Thrombotic or blood clotting events are more probable with the use of Implanon. Despite Etonogestrel being a progestin alone, there have been reports of deep vein thrombosis (legs), pulmonary embolization (heart), myocardial infarction (heart) and cerebral strokes (Brain). It is for this reason that Implanon is contraindicated for use in individuals with blood clotting problems or predispositions such as prolonged immobilization from surgery, illness, post op or postpartum women up to 28 days after delivery. Implanon may be removed if immobilization from any cause is anticipated.
  • Hypertension:
    Implanon may cause progression in women with high blood pressure and should be removed if uncontrolled high BP results. Those with high blood pressure related blood vessel disease or kidney disease must not use Implanon.
  • Cancers:
    Implanon's Etonogestrel may stimulate progestin sensitive tumors such as breast cancer.
  • Eye Problems:
    These can range from contact lens changes to retinal blood clots which present with sudden loss of vision, double vision, blurred vision or pain with popping of eyeballs.
  • Liver Disease:
    Progestins are incompletely metabolized in Liver disease. Hence liver tumors or cancer or chronic liver disorders are a deterrent to Implanon use.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy:
    Ectopic pregnancy is one that occurs outside the womb most usually in the fallopian tube. The incidence of pregnancy is very low with Implanon, but if it does occur, the chance of it being an ectopic pregnancy is very high. Suspicion is aroused with abdominal pain, fainting, giddiness, vaginal bleeding and a positive pregnancy test.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV:
    Implanon does not protect against HIV and STI's. Higher promiscuity is known in contraceptive pill and device users. The need for additional sheath protection is vital in such users.
  • Metabolic Derangements:
    Elevations in blood sugars, blood lipids, cholesterol and LDL are known with use of progestins. Hence diabetics and individuals with altered blood lipid profiles must be closely monitored.
  • Weight and Fluid Balance:
    Weight gain, fluid retention and depression are known with the use of Implanon. In fact, weight gain and worsening depression are prominent reasons for Implanon removal.
  • Implanon Interactions:
    Blood tests such as Sex Hormone Binding Globulin and Thyroxine levels may be reduced. Drugs such as barbiturates, bosentan, carbamazepine, felbamate, griseofulvin, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, rifampin, St. John's wort and topiramate can reduce the efficacy of Implanon. HIV Antiretrovirals can either increase or decrease the levels of Etonogestrel in blood, causing increased side effects or reduced contraceptive efficiency.


Implanon Removal, Return To Fertility And Replacement

Implanon removal involves another minor surgical procedure similar to insertion. It entails the use of antiseptic, local anesthetic and involves a small incision. The advantage offered is re insertion of a new Implanon in the same sitting.
Upon removal of Implanon contraceptive implant, the time span to re-establishment of ovulation and return to fertility is highly unpredictable. Pregnancies have been reported to occur as early as 7 to 14 days after removal. Therefore alternative contraceptive methods must be started on the day of Implanon removal to ensure effective protection against pregnancy.

Buy Implanon Birth Control Implant Online for only $233.20

You can buy Implanon birth control implant online from Implanon contraceptive is supplied as a blister pack consisting of a soft cylindrical rod measuring 4cm in length and is 2mm thick in diameter which comes preloaded into a needle, which forms part of a disposable injection delivery system or applicator. Implanon contraceptive implant is available at a low price of $233.20 per implant.

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